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homepage / World Energie / News / REFERENCE WORK – HOTEL 4 STARS WITH 128 ROOMS

As part of the remodelling of the Mélia hotel, the hotel’s DHW heating system was restructured using ENERGIE’s Thermodynamic Solar Systems.

The tourism sector is currently one of the main engines of the Portuguese economy. As it is an activity that has seen remarkable growth in recent years, it is essential that it focuses on increasing the competitiveness of the offer, especially in terms of hotel infrastructures, without prejudice to the quality of the service.

The increase in operational costs due to the high occupancy rates in hotels are a concern that directors / managers wish to solve. The energy component has a great weight in the companies of the tourism sector, which is why it is fundamental for the competitiveness of the sector. Since competitiveness is heavily dependent on the energy cost and the efficiency with which it is used, it is necessary to make companies aware of an inevitable adjustment to the new realities.

Through the study of the numerous activities in the area of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability with greater impact in the tourism sector, they identify that Domestic Hot Water (DHW) is one of the areas where greater attention and investment should be given, and where the hotel sector can clearly reduce its operating costs.

By using ENERGIE’s Thermodynamic Solar Technology (Solar Heat Pump), it is possible to get up to up to 70% savings by amortizing the investment in a short time. In an increasingly demanding market.

As part of the remodelling of the Mélia hotel, the hotel’s DHW heating system was restructured using ENERGIE’s Thermodynamic Solar Systems.

This system allowed for the deactivation of an existing boiler, obtaining savings in the energy bill for AC of around 46%.

As part of the remodelling of the Mélia hotel, the hotel’s DHW (domestic Hot Water) heating system was restructured using ENERGIE’s thermodynamic solar systems.

See the Case Study

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